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Topic: Sync your Android with Microsoft Outlook, with a USB cable
Post #1
Posted On: Jun. 10 2010, 23:50

Group: Admin
Posts: 2047
Joined: Jul. 2004

Sync your Android with Microsoft Outlook. Connect with a USB cable, directly to your desktop. No network access required, no need to expose all your private contacts / appointments to the public.

   * Support Contacts, Calendars ( Tasks, Notes, Bookmarks, SMS / MMS, Settings, File management, are working in progress )
   * Connect with a USB cable. Power saving, more secure, and private ( OTA wireless syncing is working in progress )
   * Support Microsoft Outlook from 98 - 2010
   * Support Android OS 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2


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Contact Information:  Michael

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